Other than this website, are there any other websites where the company’s reports are released?
When will TravelSky’s financial reports be released?
Periodical financial reports of TravelSky include annual reports and interim reports. Annual reports are released within 120 days after every fiscal year end and semi-annual reports are released within 60 days after the first six months of every fiscal year.
What is the stock code of TravelSky? What is its issue price?
Stock code: 0696.HK, issue price is HKD 4.1.
When and where was TravelSky listed?
February 7, 2001 on main board, Hong Kong stock exchange.
Where is TravelSky’s head office?
Beijing, China
When was TravelSky founded? What is its target of development?
TravelSky was founded on October 18, 2000. Its target of development is “to build a world-leading provider of comprehensive information services”