Zeng Yiwei


      Ms. Zeng Yiwei, aged 47, a supervisor of the Company, graduated from Xiamen University and has a master’s degree of EMBA from Tsing Hua University and is a senior accountant enjoying the benefits of professor. Since 1993, Ms. Zeng has been working as the deputy manager and manager of the Finance Division of the Finance and Accounting Department and deputy general manager and general manager of the Finance and Accounting Department of Xiamen Airlines (廈門航空有限公司). She has been served as deputy chief accountant and the general manager of the Finance and Accounting Department of Xiamen Airlines from August 2015 to May 2017. Since June 2017, she has served as chief accountant in Xiamen Airlines. Since March 2010, Ms. Zeng served as a supervisor of the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. Since June 2013, Ms. Zeng has been re-appointed as a supervisor of the fifth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. Since October 2016, she continued to serve as a supervisor of the sixth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company.   

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