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TravelSky obtains CMMI Level 5 certificate
Release Date:2020-07-20 字体大小:  A+      A-

Recently, the R&D center has completed the formal assessment of CMMI V2.0 Level Five on behalf of TravelSky, which helped the company become one of more than ten domestic companies that passed this latest and highest level assessment.


TravelSky also became the first domestic transportation entreprise to pass the highest level of CMMI 2.0. —— A certified company with five maturity levels.


This is the first time that TravelSky has obtained a CMMI Level 5 certificate, which means that TravelSky has a high level of software development maturity capabilities.


It is a sign that the R&D capabilities and management levels of TravelSky have reached the domestic leading level and gradually align with the international advanced level.

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