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Northeast Civil Aviation Cares Completes the Equipment Upgrade to Changchun Longjia Airport’s Departure System
Release Date:2014-04-04 字体大小:  A+      A-

  From 2:00 o’clock a.m. to 4:00 o’clock a.m., April 1, 2014, the displacement and upgrade to Changchun Longjia Airport Departure System’s Local Back-office Equipment was completed. Thanks to preliminary elaborate planning and supports from multiple parties, the overall equipment displacement and system relocation proceeded smoothly. After the relocation, the departure system is normal in function application, and safe and stable in operation maintenance.


  Changchun Longjia Airport’s original Departure NewAPP System Local Minicomputer and Server were purchased in 2007 when China TravelSky put its system into production, and the equipment’s contractual safety operation term is 6 years. As a common knowledge, aging of core system equipment and overlong service are regarded as major hidden troubles that exert influence on the airport’s normal operation and production. To substantially eliminate hidden troubles pertinent to work safety and departure operation maintenance support, Changchun Longjia Airport, under the support, coordination, and assistance of several parities, successfully completed its Departure System Equipment Upgrade and Reconstruction Project.


  On April 1, 2014 Changchun Longjia Airport Departure System completes displacement and upgrade to local back-office equipment…


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