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Mourn for the Heroic Martyrs, and Draw Positive Energy
Release Date:2014-04-08 字体大小:  A+      A-

  Tomb-sweeping Day is a traditional festival of Chinese nation when Chinese people mourn for the decedent, find emotional sustenance, and recall forefathers.


  In such a special festival, East China Aviation Cares Jiangsu Business Division organized patriotism education event respectively in Nanjing and Wuxi by means of sweeping heroic martyrs’ tombs. In the public cemetery for revolutionary martyrs where there are lush and verdant pines and cypresses, dancing white pigeons, and towering and upright monuments, participants, with immense respect, mourned for the deceased revolutionary martyrs. “Loyal heroes are buried in green hills, and meritorious figures are recorded in this annals”, participants, in succession, made the salute, took an oath, observed silence, and laid wreath in front of the Revolutionary Martyrs’ Monument. Later, participants paid a visit to the Revolutionary Martyrs’ Memorial, cherishing the memory of revolutionary martyrs’ tremendous achievements and experiencing the positive energy deriving from previous years of tortuous adventures and struggles.



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