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ravelsky Signs Agreement with International SOS, Supporting Its Global Services
Release Date:2010-10-29 字体大小:  A+      A-

On October 28, TravelSky signed a project agreement of Online Business Risk Management with International SOS in Beijing. Huang Yuanchang, Deputy General Manager of TravelSky, and Arnaud Vaissié, Chairman and CEO of International SOS, attended the signing ceremony. This agreement does not only present the travelers with a full range of distinguished service experiences, but also successfully achieve the goal of real-time location tracking. It provides International SOS with in-time employee information and important safeguards to better offer healthy travel and safety management for its corporate customers. Through this cooperation, TravelSky can contribute a lot to the globalization of the international rescue services.

Huang Yuanchang said: “by this cooperation, both sides can provide our mutual customers value-added services, improve customer satisfaction, which are our common expectations." It is reported that TravelSky will make a bold attempt to expand its data business in this cooperation.

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