Travel Distribution Platform
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  TravelSky offers passengers the dynamic travel package products, integrating various resources, such as the flight routes of the airlines and its branches, governments, hotels, ground transportation, tourism, to form a complete service chain with destination as its index. It uses unified service platform and service standards to realize unified management. TravelSky, being responsible for the organization and distribution in this chain, provides support for system platform and its services, with the ultimate goal to establish a distribution platform covering scenic spots nationwide.


  The main features of the product are shown aspects:


  Ÿ      -Platform for passengers to make DIY trips with full respect to passengers’ will, realizing “I’m the master on my own way” for the passengers and fitting well with the age of showing individuality;


  Ÿ      -Access platform geared to agents, internet sites, mobile websites, service hotline, SMS platform;


  Ÿ      -Perfect means of payment with EPOS;


  Ÿ     -Real-time services with dynamic trip; Access to production information and purchase through Internet sites, mobile websites, service hotline, SMS platform, etc. without cumbersome preparations before going;


  Ÿ      -Special rates for group reservations;


  Ÿ      -China’s first dynamic travel package product.


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