System Service
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Provide application development and support services of related computer systems to customers. The systems supported by the system service include the international and domestic passenger revenue management computer system which was independently researched and developed by the clearing company; the international and domestic freight revenue management system; the mail revenue management system; the integrated airport revenue management system; the passenger and freight data service system; the international and the domestic clearing system; the Dovepay payment platform and other application systems. At present, the main airlines in China always use a set of or many sets of application systems of clearing company to deal with the clearing for international and domestic passenger, freight, post and airport service charges etc. businesses. While providing revenue management computer system products for civil aviation passenger, freight and airport services, the clearing company also provides deep processing and analyzing products for date and business upgrading and maintenance for application products for the customer.


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