International Clearing System
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction:


  The international clearing system is autonomously designed and developed by the clearing company according to the standards worked out by the clearing office of international aviation association and it is used for the computer management systems for credit and debt clearing management for all domestic units (including the airlines, the administrations, the authorities of airport and all related airline management bureaus, hereinafter referred to as domestic units)deputed by the company and the members of IAIA clearing office (ICH company), the bilateral clearing company (NCH company) and the companies (SUSPEND company) whose clearings are stopped temporarily by ICH for all kinds of reasons. The main modules for the system include: main file maintenance and management, foreign aviation bill management, management for bill of our party, external query and print, ICH company management, NCH company management, SUSPENSED company management, accounts settlement management and annual statistics, etc.




  Product Features:



  Ø    Standard, stable and affinity

  Ø    Design and develop according to the standards worked out by the clearing office of international aviation association

  Ø    Open design and C/S (customer/server) framework

  Ø    The combination of RPG procedure and DB2 database makes the system safe and stable

  Ø    Delphi development tool on the front end make the system interface with more affinity

  Ø    Meticulous and personalized statement information and inquiry function

  Ø    Integrate the charges for passengers, goods and services and effectively transmit and process the clearing information

  Ø    Modularized flexible interface

  Ø    Strictly user access control meets the management requirements



  System Benefits:


  Ø    Effectively control and manage the bills among companies

  Ø    Dynamically manage the information of all clearing units

  Ø    Manage the clearing for credit and debt

  Ø    The detailed statement statistical analysis makes the management clear


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