Freight Revenue Management System –EPOC
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction:


  The freight revenue management system contains the dual function for international and domestic freight revenue management; it supports the two main management models of “method of carrier making out a bill” and “method of agent submitting”, so it provides a rich customization function for the user. The main functions of the system include: the maintenance for main documents, the blank ticket management, the marketing management, the transportation management, the multimodal transport bill audit, the matching treatment, the freight rates management, the reporting module, the accounting treatment and the joint treatment etc. Meanwhile, specially aimed at the burgeoning business mode and marketing way of airfreight of our country, this system is provided with multiple business treatment functions such as wrapper sheet/cabin/ton treatment, marketing award accumulation, special prorate distribution in the company, freight space purchase, freight space lease, freight space change and joint operation business treatment etc.


  Product Features:


  Ø    It can meet the business requirements of the airline for international and domestic freight revenue management at the same time

  Ø    It can deal with the clearing methods facing to the agent by two methods of “making out a bill by the airline” and “submitting by the agent”

  Ø    Provide a strong and flexible special business processing function

  Ø    It can audit the multimodal transport bill automatically

  Ø    The system can realize the information record for the whole process, the multi-information matching, the result trace, the quick circular process, the multistage difference warning and the information classification and refining etc.

  Ø    The system provides the enterprise-class WEB application solution and it contains timely and flexible territory span processing capacity. The users can customize a suitable system application by the combined function module

  Ø    Supports the data exchange interface based on XML and support the enterprise application integration of the third-party software

  Ø    Based on the open platform, take the C/S multilayered structure with good expandability, maintainability and high responsiveness

  Ø    Provide a flexible configuration choice, a personalized function combination, a friendly user interface and an operating platform easier to learn and use


  System Benefits:


  Ø    Meet the requirements for the freight revenue management of the airline and comprehensively support all kinds of marketing protocols and multimodal transport protocols

  Ø    Guarantee the accuracy, the completeness and the time for freight revenue the clearing of airline

  Ø    Support the development and the change of business of the airline

  Ø    Provide basis and support for statistical analysis of the business performance of the airline, and the planning for the future development strategy


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