Entrustment Service of Computer Rooms
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  TravelSky’s Infrastructure Security and Service


  Our service is based on the technical expert team with rich experience in basic computer room environment and facilities, and an operation and maintenance management team with relative certification. They are experienced in practices, operation and maintenance, which ensures the high usability of infrastructure. Professional technical and management teams will assist your companies with comprehensive and systematic solutions in consulting, planning, implementation, operation and maintenance.


  Why Choose TravelSky


  TravelSky possesses a highly available and professional data center which meets the GB50174–2008 and TIA942IV standards. It also has a sound system of operation and maintenance as well as data monitoring platforms. The key equipment in the data center has met the application usability of 99.995%, while the high safety of infrastructure has provided the most important material foundation for the safe operation of the information system.


  ·Taking into consideration users’ needs for high usability in relation to power, air-conditioner, fields and so on, the data center of TravelSky has optimized its performance, thus having obvious advantages in energy conservation, management and operation.


  ·The professional technology and management team of TravelSky has successfully participated in and organized the construction, operation, management, maintenance consulting of several computer rooms.


  ·TravelSky’s all-around management of the infrastructure in computer rooms guarantees the security of the systems of users.


Projects Contents

  Power Supply and Distribution System Management

  7*24 real-time human-machine monitoring will be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the power supply and distribution system, ensuring the safe operation of the power supply and distribution system of clients.

  Management and Maintenance of Air-conditioning System

  7*24 real-time human-machine monitoring will be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the air-conditioning system, ensuring the safe operation of the equipment environment system of clients.

  Management and Maintenance of Fire-fighting System

  7*24 real-time human-machine monitoring will be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the fire-fighting system, ensuring the safe operation of the systems in the computer rooms of clients.

  CCTV Monitoring

  7*24 real-time CCTV monitoring will be implemented so as to ensure the safety of site facilities.

  Management and Maintenance of Access Control System

  Regulations of access control system and palm print recognition system will be implemented and thus irrelevant personnel will be denied.



  TravelSky’s highly reliable mechanism of operation and management guarantees the stable operation of the system of clients.




  Normalized Service Process

  The client’s diversified needs will be meet through normalized services.

  Customized (pivotal) Service Specifications

  On the basis of normalized services, customized services will be provided in line with the specific needs of the client.

  Problem Management

  Problems or potential problems in the operation of site facilities will be solved or prevented to avoid their deterioration or occurrence.

  Security Guaranty Mechanism

  The client’s equipment will be safeguarded by various means of security management.

  Safety Management Patterns

  Modern means and patterns of safety management and problem-solving strategies, i.e. preventive patterns of safety management will be introduced.



  The Benefits that TravelSky’s entrustment service of computer room brings to you:



  • Help enterprises liberate the maintenance of IT resources so as to pay more attention to the development of core business;
  • Ensure the high reliability of the operation environment of IT equipment and help enterprises to increase their competitiveness;
  • Enable enterprises to have a comprehensive, systematic and sound infrastructure environment, management and services on the premise of low risks and costs;
  • Draw out integrated optimization solutions according to the needs and characteristics of enterprises;
  • Preserve the reputation and image of enterprises and increase the loyalty of their clients.


  TravelSky’s Entrustment Service of Computer Rooms




  Service Goals

  Site Planning of Computer Rooms

  Different levels of site planning will be provided in accordance with the different needs of clients.

  Utilization of Site Facilities

  Different levels of services and corresponding environment facilities will be provided in accordance with the characters and needs of clients.

  Office Environment Service

  A comfortable office environment will be provided to meet the personalized needs of clients for office environment.


  TravelSky’s Consulting and




  Service Goals

  Assessment of the Original Computer Room Sites of Clients

  The advantages and weakness that influence the usability of systems in the site environment will be assessed, and the highly usable experience widely accepted in the industry and analysis data of risks and costs will be provided.

  Consulting Service for the Site Construction of New Computer Rooms and Data Centers of Clients

  Whole-process and all-around engineering consultation service with high quality and efficiency will be provided by high-level, comprehensive and professional teams.

  Consulting Service for Reconstructing Ordinary Computer Rooms

  The prospect, construction plan, investment estimation, resource utilization rate, direct and indirect economic value, risks and uncertainties will be analyzed and advice will be gived in a scientific and reasonable way.





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