Data Push Interface
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-



  1. Product Name          Data Push Interface


  2. One-sentence Slogan   Real-time delivery of dynamic data, assistance in travelling e-commerce


  3. Product Overview


  Data push interface products can provides customers with their customized dynamic aviation information in real time, and help customers to achieve the automatic intelligent services of the air travel process through high-value data information. According to customer business needs and customer service needs, the push interface can push the customized data contents, including ticket sales, passenger services, public aviation services and other kinds of change information. When data changes meet with the customized rules and conditions, they will be timely and accurately pushed to customers via XML data format.


  4. Value to Customers


  The core value of this product lies in the extent of provided dynamic data meeting real-time customer demands. That is to say, it helps customer to accurately, timely, and efficiently access the required dynamic travelling and data changing information at low costs, more competitively conducts e-commerce, serves passengers and enhance their experiences and satisfactions.


  5. Product Features


  Ÿ      Rich data contents

  The dynamic travelling data contents pushed by data includes PNR changes, face value changes, TSL sales data, dynamic Q mailbox information, dynamic changing information of flights and airports, etc.


  Ÿ      High-quality product guarantees

  The data push interface transfers the high-quality, low-cost and real-time data change information required by customers, performs the technical handlings in data processing, large-scale distribution and other aspects through the real-time monitoring and mass storages, and guarantees the accuracy, timeliness, and security.


  Ÿ      Customization

  According to customers’ business needs and passengers’ demands, it supports the complex customization of rules and condition combinations of data content changes.


  Ÿ      Easy of development and achievement

  XML data interface form supports for cross-platform and mobile applications, requires customers to have certain technical development capabilities, provide easy-to-use products, technical documents and technical support services.


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