Foreign Airline Products
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  The distributions of foreign airlines in Chinese market are supported, and a complete set of distributed products in line with international standards are also provided, in order to meet the needs of Chinese market agents.


  Through the TravelSky system, agents can distribute the products of 427 foreign airlines, spreading in all major countries and cities. All the airlines joined in Chinese BSP have achieved direct sales, supported real-time flight inquiries, reservations and ticket issuances. More than 99.5% foreign airlines in China are directly connected to the distribution. In addition to the traditional airlines, agents can also distribute for AirAsia, Jetstar Airways, Scoot Airlines and other major low-cost Asian airlines through the foreign airline low-cost distribution platform, and TravelSky also plans to open the world’s leading low-cost airline distributions in the near future.


  1.    Seamless displays of flight information (40 flights including CX, KA, UA, BR, B7, LH, etc.):


  Agents can view the exact seats status without specifying the airlines, which greatly improves efficiency and online sales possibility. 


  2.    Team functions (23 flights including KE, TG, OZ, UA, BR, etc.):


  Easy to solve the invoice problem, and expand the opportunities for sales agents.


  3.    Name modification and authorization functions (34 flights including CX, KA, TG, KE, BR, etc.):


  Agents are allowed to modify names under the authorizations of airlines, and simplify the business processes of name modifications by agents.


  4.    Automatic Exchange Functions (4 flights including LH, EK, UA, DL, etc.):


  During the exchange operations, freight calculations and ticket issuances are automatically completed, the accuracy and efficiency of agent business processes are improved, in order that agents can facilitate more convenient and efficient passenger services.


  5.    Onboard seating chart display function (19 flights including CX, KA, UA, BR, etc.), onboard seat reservation function (16 flights including CX, KA, LH, BR, etc.):


  Help agents to better serve passengers.


  6.    PNR number validation function (all foreign airlines):


  Considering Chinese agents will not be too concerned about the returned status of airline record numbers, as the ticket issuances without airline record numbers are not allowed, it can help the agents to avoid resulting losses.


  DA PNR function (6 flights including CX, KA, BR, CI, etc.):


  Agents can easily view the PNR statuses corresponding to airline systems in the TravelSky system, check whether the records are correct and whether the ticket numbers have been passed to the airline systems, and early detect the mismatches.


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