Service Product for Travellers Supporting the Whole Flow
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

Main functions and applications of travelers service product:


Frequent travelers automatic identification



  • Seats booking identification of frequent travelers
  • Airport departure identification of frequent travelers
  • Web website identification of frequent travelers
  • Web-Check-in identification of frequent travelers
  • Identification and collection of infrequent travelers
  • Identification of blacklist travelers
  • Service identification of high-end travelers
  • Service identification of special-service travelers
  • Identification of high-end infrequente traveler
  • VIP identification


Develop real-time frequent travelers: be able to provide the travelers application to join the airline frequent traveler plan and can accumulate the flight-taking mileage in time.


Identification service for special travelers: functions special travelers identification, production system prompt and data service defined by Airline.


Inquiry platform: construct the inquiry platform of frequent travelers, special travelers and status, benefit for the flights to master the dynamic information of frequent travelers.


Traveler value:Collect the traveler action data and provide differentiation and individualization tourist information through value model evaluation value.


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