Airport Operation and Management System (AOM)
Release Date:2014-06-24 字体大小:  A+      A-


  The airport operation and management system (AOM) is a system centering on the core business of airport operation and management. Taking flight security, passenger service as its core and time as the main line, AOM has standardized the working process of the airport departments through information-based methods and provided services to airport safety and production, operation and management, revenues statistics, decision-making support, thus optimizing the operations management and equipment running.


  Adopting distributed computation technology, rights management technology and intelligence algorithm technology, AOM brings a new experience to the production & operation of airports. The overall structure consists of three layers to ensure safer and more stable system data. The unification of front end and server side is achieved through JAVA technology.


  AOM includes flight scheduling, flight management control, management of plane position, monitoring and management of flight security process, contract and user management with aviation companies, etc. On the basis of data collection, AOM has developed two sound systems: financial settlement system of aeronautical revenue and profits analysis system, and provided external systems with unified connectivity.




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