Statistical Service System for Airports
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  In making the airport operation more flexible, airports must timely obtain the information about the traffic of passengers, cargos and mails. However, the large data of most airports are currently input, disposed and analyzed by hand, which leads to a long period of data statistics and thus fails to provide a strong basis for airports to make decisions.


  The statistical service system provides users of airport statistical departments with the function to collect data of major airport production indicators.


  The major functions of the system are downloading data, modifying data of routes having flights, inputting flights having no route, modifying the takeoff and landing schedule, importing and exporting DFB data, exporting the data of construction fee and financial data, analyzing operational data, assisting decision-making, reporting financial data.


  Displayed by means of Web, the front end of the system can run directly and thus is user-friendly.




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