InfoLogis: An Aviation Logistics Processing System for Cargo Agents and Third-party Logistics
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  As an important part of the aviation logistics product chain of InfoSky, InfoLogis provides application solutions to cargo agents. It offers support to traditional cargo agents business and the third-party logistics business and supports the information exchange and management for the business collaboration between cargo agents, airports and manufacturers, improving the informatization and standardization of the business management of cargo agents.


  To meet the diversified needs of clients, the InfoLogis system of InfoSky provides multiple service modes, enabling clients to choose in accordance with their own needs.


  1.    Selling InfoLogis directly;


  2.    Customizing and implementing projects on the basis of InfoLogis;


  3.    Providing small cargo agents with Web-based application mode that requires low costs and can be implemented quickly.


  4     Providing large companies or corporations integrated application service mode, where the system can finish core business within the intranet of the company and provide Web service to branches or secondary agents with limited ability.


  InfoLogis enjoys many systematic functions, supporting bill and certificate management, user management, customer management, documentation, cargo price maintenance, billing management, warehouse management, delivery management, non-regular business management, fleet management, logistics management and so on.


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